uploads/running water.jpg

running water 流水;自來水。


To reduce pesticide residue , you can first wash us under running water several times 想吃得更安心,可以先用清水替我們洗澡幾次,

There is running water inside , but very yellow , unable to have the face and brush teeth 里面有自來水,但很黃,無法洗臉刷牙。

The capacity of running water supply is about 0 . 80 million cubic meters 城市自來水日生產能力近80萬立方米,水電供應充足。

Drink waters out of thine own cistern , and running waters out of thine own well 15你要喝自己池中的水,飲自己井里的活水。

People are living in tents , without running water and in primitive conditions 人們住在帳篷里,沒有自來水,生活條件簡陋。

Drink waters out of your own cistern , and running water out of your own well 15你要喝自己池中的水,飲自己井里流動的水。

If a quicker method is preferred , hold the container under running water 如要加速解凍,可將器皿放在流動的自來水內。

Proficient manager is an important factor for effectly running water enterprice 經營者職業化是搞好水利企業的重要基礎

Wash the clams in plenty of running water until not a trace of sand is left 以清水徹底洗凈蜆肉,直至沒有沙粒排出。

Do you remember trading date of successful zhang of that running water ah 你有沒有記住交易成功的那個流水賬號啊?

Wet hands under running water 開水喉洗濯雙手

I can hear running water 我聽見有流水的聲音

The running water from the mountain top eroded a gulley along the slope 從山頂上流下的水在山坡上沖蝕出一條溝渠。

Wet hands under running water 開水喉洗濯雙手。

Do this for at least 20 seconds . rinse hands thoroughly under running water 洗擦后才用清水將雙手徹底沖洗乾凈。

Do this for at least 10 seconds . rinse hands thoroughly under running water 洗擦后才用清水將雙手徹底沖洗乾凈。

Do this for at least 20 seconds ; rinse hands thoroughly under running water 洗擦后,才用清水將雙手徹底沖洗乾凈

The houses had running water 房子里有了自來水。

Drink water from your own cistern , running water from your own well 15你要喝自己池中的水、飲自己井里的活水。